tattoo removal yahoo

I got a tattoo removed about 3 weeks ago and i think it might be infected. part of the tattoo healed nicely, but the other half seems to be draining this. Best answer:.i'm having tattoo removal done at the moment too... it depends on the depth of the tattoo to the amount of treatments needed to be done. I have two tattoo's one on each arm and i want to get rid of them. i want to do it by 'tattoo removal cream'. has anyone tried it? do you know of any that.

Tattoo removal - options and alternatives about laser removal and other removal methods there are a lot of reasons for possibly wanting a tattoo removed. Best answer: i am currently having a tattoo lasered off of my back. i have to use numbing cream and take pain pills, cause i am a huge baby. it's painful. Best answer: u have to go through a few tattoo removal sessions and they cost quite a bit each time. and secondly a scar would be left behind. usually pple.